Brian's Progressive Pages
A site for left-barking watchdogs. This page offers articles and links on "patriots," militias, and the all-around Far Right. There are a good number of links to other sites, and a good sampling of reports from respectable sources. While the site could use more links on a broader range of issues, those wishing to monitor the right side of the Web may find it an interesting starting point.-BB


Democratic National Committee
This Web organ of the Democratic Party is pretty good, covering a lot of different areas of Democratic activity. Democratic political victories, an event that has become kind of rare, are featured on the home page. Areas of content include organizations, what's new, and contact info for all Democratic legislators. Hot topics, such as this year's budget battle, are covered with an obviously pro-Demo slant, and a form is provided to join online (all major credit cards accepted).-WKC


Feminist Majority Foundation
While this may not be the best non-profit women's site (it proudly displays this award from Impact Online), it is the best feminist resource site I've found. News, urgent action alerts, links to university resources, online zines, and additional feminist Web sites are well-presented in a snazzy HTML package - with forms, tables, image maps, etc. The "911"section is outstanding, with links to domestic violence and sexual harassment resources. It's regularly updated and should be a very important item on any feminist's bookmark list.-BG


Gay and Lesbian Utah Democrats
This is a nice example of how to disseminate information about a political organization. Not only does GLUD (Gay and Lesbian Utah Democrats) provide ample info about the group, with contact information and instructions on how to join, it also has some original content. GLUD has plenty of news clippings, updates about hot issues, and an action alert section to keep activists busy and informed. -BG


New World Media Digital Alternative Media
The work of Noam Chomsky, dissident, semanticist, media analyst, and all-around smart guy, is the basis for this page. Abundant on the site are theories about using digital tools to generate and spread content while circumventing the big boy media playground. Also worth your time is an interactive version of Chomsky's classic "Manufacturing Consent" and a quick scan of the comprehensive Chomsky archives. The anarchists behind this digital curtain are ready to undermine mainstream agendas using their enemy's own methods of media manipulation. As William Gibson wrote in Neuromancer, "the street finds its own use for things."-DP


Republican Main Street
While most of us are completely bored with the main street/town hall/cyber community metaphor found on far too many Web sites, "Republican Main Street" pulls it off quite gracefully - it's graphically strong and never overbearing. It's a site for all things Republican: video clips of Republicans on TV, regular updates on the Republican National Convention, bulletin boards, guestbooks, and live chats for starters. Especially interesting is the "school" section, which illustrates the history of the party and how to run for office. Well done.-BG


Secret History of the United States 1962 1995
Any site boasting to reveal secrets is A.O.K by me! And secrets about U.S. history are even more entertaining, as the small details that link assassins to Hollywood to dead presidents and UFOs have always been especially fascinating. While this site may not boast an extraordinary repertoire of HTML bells and whistles (no color, no tricks, and few stylie graphics), it's phat with interesting text and links. Search the site by major topics - Nuclear, UFOs, Drugs, National Debt, and civil rights, or click on a year. The site creator also built the conspiracy pages at, go figure.-BG


Skeleton Closet
The dirt is what drives us. In this Closet is a beautiful summary of the allegations and confirmed scandals surrounding our glorious leaders and those who want to be. Get insight into Bob Dole's short fuse, Clinton's Whitewater past, and Newt's rubber checks. With plenty of information and, most importantly, a comprehensive list of sources for the tidbits, the Skeleton Closet is where I'll be hanging my hat during the fall of 1996, when things really start to get interesting.-DP


The Alternative Group
O.K. Listen up... Gen Xers don't just spend their time eating Oreos and watching Brady Bunch reruns! Some of us *are* political and ready to grab Washington by its ties to make a difference. TAG promises to become a non-partisan filter and clearinghouse supporting practical public policy and discourse between the young people who will feel the effects of today's government, tomorrow. Most of this new site is still under construction, but TAG hopefully will become a powerful political launching point offering news analysis, links to relevant sites, and suggestions for action. Choose or lose, baby.-DP


The Political NewsTalk Network
An online presence for a cable TV network, this site archives excerpts from interviews and rants that occur on the network's shows. Not exactly original content, but interesting. The site claims to be anti-establishment, and implies that it is just as critical of Republicans as it is of Democrats. A little closer reading of the material on the site, though, reveals an ugly conservative bias, with essays equating the Dred Scott decision, whicih affirmied slavery in the nineteenth century, with Roe vs. Wade. Plenty of outlandish illogic worthy of Rush Limbaugh.-WKC


Voyager Guerrilla Girls
For almost a decade, the Guerrilla Girls have been wheat-pasting healthy doses of post-feminist modernist agit-prop onto buildings, poles, and the minds of the world. Using their trademark creative approach of targeting sexism, physical abuse, and any "boys club" that emerges with irony and DTP, the Guerrilla Girls have risen to the New Media occasion with this Web site.The site is a clean, elegant archive of their posters - political art that also serves as a catalog of this decade's fight for women's equality. As their slogan states, the Guerrilla Girls "could be anyone. We are everywhere." Be ready.-DP
